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Become a Member of the BC Country Music Association

Being a member of the BCCMA has numerous advantages for all those who support, enjoy or are involved with BC country music. The BCCMA provides BC performers, songwriters, producers, agents, managers, the opportunity to network at various events throughout the year. Membership also gives fans an opportunity to meet singers, musicians, songwriters and media personalities along with friends who share the same interests. Our Annual Awards Show is a first-class event that has sustained itself for over 40 years.

Only paid BCCMA members may participate in the nominating and voting procedures for the BCCMA Awards, which honour the best in the BC Country Music Industry. With four different levels of membership, the BCCMA makes it easy for everyone to enjoy the benefits of belonging to the British Columbia Country Music Association. 

If you have any questions please feel free email or

You can also leave a voice message at 604-533-5088.

With growing partnerships and our new digital cards there will be even more added value to your membership.

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Select membership level

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* Membership level


Corporate Membership

  • Get 2 votes for the Annual Awards Show.
  • Receive and submit information to be included in the e-updates that provide information on news, events and shows happening around BC.
  • The opportunity to include promotional material included on a dedicated page on the BCCMA website.
  • The opportunity to include any special offers or business discounts for the membership on a dedicated page of the BCCMA website.
  • Have the cover charge at many of the Country night clubs in B.C. reduced or waived.
  • Receive 1 vote at the Annual AGM.
  • First opportunity to purchase Awards Show Sponsorship packages. Corporate membership fee will be deducted from packages of $1,500 or more for those who purchase their corporate memberships prior to the Awards Show Package.

Cost: $175

Industry Membership

  • Get full voting privileges for the Annual Awards Show as well as the opportunity to be nominated.
  • Receive and submit information to be included in the e-updates that provide information on news, events and shows happening around BC.
  • Have the opportunity to post news and events on our BCCMA Facebook Page.
  • Have the cover charge at many of the Country night clubs in B.C. reduced or waived.
  • Get to vote at the Annual AGM.
  • Entitled to discounts offered by Corporate members, and special BCCMA events.
  • Can perform and/or volunteer at BCCMA events.

Cost: $40

Band Membership

  • This membership covers up to four members of a band.
  • Each member of the band gets full voting privileges for the Annual Awards Show as well as the opportunity to be nominated.
  • Each member of the band can receive information to be included in the e-updates that provide information on news, events and shows happening around BC. The band can submit information as well.
  • Each band member can have the cover charge at many of the Country night clubs in B.C. reduced or waived.
  • The band has the opportunity to post news and events on our BCCMA Facebook Page.
  • Entitled to discounts offered by Corporate members, and special BCCMA events.
  • Can perform and/or volunteer at BCCMA events.

Cost: $120

Fan Membership

  • Get to be a part of the voting process for the Annual Awards Show. Fans get to vote for Fans Choice, Entertainer, Female Vocalist, Male Vocalist, Group/Duo, Video, Ray McAuley, Single, Album, Country Club Act, Gaylord Wood Memorial, National/International Achievement, Country Club, Humanitarian, Country On-Air Personality and Interactive Artist of the Year.
  • Receive e-updates that provide information on news, events and shows happening around BC.
  • Have the benefit of the cover charge at many of the country night clubs in B.C. reduced or waived.
  • Get to vote at the Annual AGM.
  • Entitled to discounts offered by Corporate members, and special BCCMA events.
  • Can volunteer at BCCMA events.

Cost: $5.00

CONNECT WITH US - Email:  - Leave a message: 604-533-5088



C/O 5871 - 248th Street

Langley, B.C.

V4W 1C3

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