Ever want to have your voice heard or make a difference being a part of the BC Country Music Association?
BCCMA COMMITTEES are the place to be. Please read below and let us know where you can help out!
Each committee is to have a specific set of tasks and a specific goal or goals. We understand that it takes more than an executive and board of directors to run an association. We are also mindful of the commitment required by members participating in committees. These opportunities to help are open to non-board volunteers to serve as members of the committee. Everyone has something bring, to provide additional skills, insights, and support. All committees report to the BCCMA Board of Directors. Members do not need to take a seat as a director to be committee chairs and will be appointed by the President or Board of Directors.
How to Submit:
1. Send an email to with the following information to bccma@bccountry.com with the TITLE being the committee of interest
2. Include your name, phone number and email
3. What makes you a valuable member for this committee: Share your skills and accomplishments, as well as any other information you feel pertinent.
Fundraising Committee: Responsible for developing fundraising strategies in support of the organization’s mission, including supporting fundraising event targets.
Marketing Committee: The marketing committee can be responsible for either developing and executing a marketing strategy or providing advice to support marketing strategies. Including a sub-committee for promotion at the festival level.
Hall of Fame Committee: Responsible for Hall of Fame initiatives, Hall of Fame show planning, and Representation of the Hall of Fame. Supplying the library of inductee materials to encourage the preservation of the history of country music in BC.
Membership Committee: Responsible for everything membership. Overseeing membership connections, supporting membership drives, and instilling trust in our membership. Supporting our members as they are our stakeholders.
Artist Advisory Committee: This advisory committee is tasked with giving advice; empowered to make recommendations where artists are concerned. They are to advise the Board of Directors of their recommendations. To be on this advisory you should be an artist or work as an artist liaison/manager.
Awards Committee: This Committee is dedicated to focusing on the execution of the annual awards show. Working with the board of Directors to celebrate the accomplishments of our membership.
CONNECT WITH US - Email: bccma@bccountry.com - Leave a message: 604-533-5088
C/O 5871 - 248th Street
Langley, B.C.
V4W 1C3